Sunday, September 19, 2010

GSOL meets Go Lead & Monthly Meet Up

Posted by Alexis

My wonderful momma heard about a great opportunity in Springfield. I will be attending a monthly class/networking for new Non-Profit professionals, Go Lead at MSU. As you might know, the non-profit world is where my heart lives. I am not motivated by the bottom line (although we always have to keep it mind), but alturism spurs me on. How can I help someone else? I have worked many years on the programming side of non-profits & LOVE it. You have deemed me worthy of taking that next step though. Jumping into a different realm of the non-profit world...Executive Director. Honestly, I am terrified of this idea, because I have always found myself flourishing in the programming side. Now its time to take the leap. This class will help give me the skills to take our little idea of GSOL (ok, its a really BIG idea) from idea, to reality. The class, paired with you (if you are reading this, I AM talking to YOU, even if we haven't met yet) & your support will get us to the next step.

In light of the fact that many of us will be in Springfield at the same time, we have decided a monthly meeting is called for. Our first of these (does this feel like history in the making?) will be held on September 29 probably in the evening. Please leave a comment, or email us ( to let us know if you would like to join the conversation & what time would be best for you. 

I leave you with a question, "What is your outdoor legacy?"