*Had a GSOL meeting at Panera on East Sunshine in Springfield on Nov 16. Lots of good news!
*Our mission statement was approved by the attorney who is kind enough to look over our stuff before sending it in! This meant that the paperwork was sent in soon after. This meant that the State of Missouri approved our articles of incorporation soon after that!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE INCORPORATED! It made me feel the need to sing the theme song to Kids Incorporated!
*We are now working on our business plan.
*We are now working on our 501(c)3 paperwork as well.
*I had a super meeting with Community Foundation of the Ozarks! They were great & helpful. As soon as our 501(c)3 paperwork is sent in, we can set up a fund with CFO to begin fundraising!!!!!
*We will need "all hands on deck" soon. Even if this just means you fundraising from your family & friends...that's awesome! We plan to share at least 1 viable fundraising idea at the next meeting. Please share any ideas that you might have!
*If you would like to join in on any phase of this exciting journey, please don't hesitate to contact one of us with the place you will fit in. The more help the better!
******NEXT MEETING: December 27, 2010, Panera Bread on East Sunshine. HOPE TO SEE YOU OR HEAR YOUR IDEAS THERE!*******